Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 5: need more work

I freely admit, I am still fascinated.
With shadows.
There are endless textures, backgrounds, even props.
I think I have to work better on the styling, however...
What say you about some words or icon formed by those cables?
It would have made the picture much more interesting...
although it may not be the best idea when the cables in question are not mine.

We'll work on that next time with my own cable.
In the meantime, there's a festival post pending.
Until next time!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy (Belated) Easter!

It's been a while.
We are currently hosting a full house of guests: a pair of grandparents and an aunt, all devoted fan of the Little One.
Sure makes for a busy, noisy, bustling with activity days around here.
And so... two days after the fact, let me wish you a Happy Easter.

And along with that, I shall whisper a little prayer that I can soon continue writing again.
Wish me luck.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week 4: Cheating

Guilty as charges, as the image is nowhere taken this past week, rather quite some time ago while I was having a burst of creative energy.
Energy that somehow had been missing for the past... week?
Or maybe it had been eroded away under the heavy burden of simply living?
As another deep breath is taken, patience gathered, and effort made to face the piling dishes at the sink, the ever present clutter everywhere, the dust bunnies clinging under my sole....


Sorry. I guess with the Kid's school on holiday, it's just kind of hard to squirrel time away (and the needed energy & creative juice) to write, to create, to be active in any way.
It had been simply easier to passively read, maybe occasionally ponder, dream a bit... but nothing active.

Oh, there has been ideas, there definitely some ideas, all those silent soliloquies in front of the sink as I wash the dishes for the n-th time, around the house as I chase even more dust bunnies,
Just no follow through in writing them down.

I should do better next time.
As they say... Just DO it!