Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Nice, swanky hotel
Right up to start the year with a bang, the Little One was 'invited' to visit the grandparents while they attend a symposium in Singapore. Being too young for traveling alone, of course the invitation was 'extended' to include the Mama as well.
And so we got ourselves a couple of days of holidays in Singapore, staying in a swanky hotel, eating some fantastic meals (mostly because they are not available at home), meeting some old friends and doing some shopping (for stuff which again are not available at home).

It was, all said and done, a great holiday.
And so now we shall settle back to the familiar routine, but not before just a wee few highlights of the holiday...

Doing some touristy stuff
Meeting friends/family and doing some shopping

Enjoying some good food

And lastly, getting a nice surprise toy, which hopefully will help in improving this blog. Ha!



  1. Nice new profile pic! Hahahaha
    Duh salut kok kau udah update blog lagi, lah aku belom :))

  2. banyak cerita anak kecil. trus sekalian deh. cuma ini banner kok gak focus. sebal.
