Friday, July 26, 2013

On a sentimental note ....

This note had been languishing in Kecil's blog draft box for the longest time. It was a true sentiment (and still is!), but just somehow out of place, until I remember this other blog, a much better place to share this. I hope you enjoy it.

Lately, Kecil's been so busy, she fell asleep not too long after Mama tucked her in bed.

But there are also days,
When she went on full steam right to the very last minute,
Jumping, tumbling, screaming, and generally wreaking havoc,
Especially on Mama's already frayed nerves and aching muscles
(She jumped on me, and she's heavy, so yes, frayed nerves and aching muscles I DO have)
And that last minute seem to always be the next, and the next and the next...
And this Mama felt like roaring, sometimes simply ignoring the Kiddo, while longing for the peace I know would happen once this Little One is asleep,
If only it would happen soon ....

Until suddenly ...
All is quiet...
Except for a beautiful sound of a steady breathing ....
And her hand slowly unclenched ...
Releasing the finger she had held so tight, unwilling to let go...

I wrote before of magic that happen once those beautiful eyes closed.
It is still there, the magic.
There was the quiet, the sense of wonder, the awe, the amazement...
A tinge of disbelief, even, that I should have this privilege,
Of such a beautiful creature,
an inquisitive and quick mind,
Fast feet and nimble hands.

And suddenly I am reminded of all the wrongs that I have done against this innocence,
Who had been, after all, simply asking for my time, my attention, my guidance.

And so, as I gently ease my hand away,
I took a deep breath, and made a personal promise,
That I will do better tomorrow,
That we will spend more time together,
That I will listen carefully to all your questions,
And answer them to the best of my ability, rather than simply answering to stop the barrage of questions,
That I will teach and guide you,
So that, hopefully, you'll reach your full potential,
And more.
Oh, so much more.

Sleep tight, and sweet dreams, my child.

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