Saturday, September 3, 2011

The 101 things I learned last week ...

the story
was that I had to finish a marketing plan as part of my study requirement.
It was ... let's just say that the result was more of a study of the things that you should NOT do in making a marketing plan.
The words dismal, incomplete, full of unmentionable things ... came to mind when I try to describe the end result. Sigh.

Still... on the good side, I have never seen myself applying so rigorously to the task ... of NOT doing the plan.
Oh dear. I surfed the web, I contemplated website designs, I played computer games I barely even enjoy, all in the name of NOT doing the work.
Unbelievable! Absolutely unbelievable!
So... yeah, I did learn quite a few stuff. Just too bad that it was not quite directly (or remotely) related to the project on hand at that time.
And with the submission deadline safely 12 hours behind, I have been gleefully reveling in the legitimacy of my other pursuits.
Like a 2-hour de-stressing using the aforementioned computer games straight after submitting the reports. Huhhh!

As for the other 101 things, I learned:
- that I am really bad with finishing a list. A month of useful content? Gone. A week of feature on the Dog? Lost in transit, or something. Other series? MIA without any trace.
- how to do html tags for my images
- that I'm not so keen on tagging my images one by one manually, and I simply let it lie
- there are many free beautiful blogger templates out there
- that I prefer using the old Blogger interface than the new one
- there are tools that would allow me create my posts offline (and hopefully help me improve my blogging in general!)
- New terms such as deep-linking, custom 404 page, favicon
- that I love certain aspects of designing
- how to be a code peeper (even if I have not much idea about coding and such)
- how to take proper screen shots (see picture above)
- the value of being organized
- how to 'upgrade' my personal blog using a free template not from Blogger's collection (see picture above. I'm so excited!)
- Googling is a very much under-utilized tool in my hand. I need to ask more question to Google.
- .....

Well... actually, now that I list them out, they are not really 101.
But especially after installing the new template successfully, with hardly any glitch, it just felt like a HUGE, BIG thing that I learn today.
And the accumulation of all those web-browsing, game-playing, generally-avoiding-real-work thingies just seem like a lot of new things learned over the past week.

Anyway, it's late, and I still have another program to install. We'll see if we can start sharing some of the knowledge I thought I learn from last week with all of you.
Thank you for staying in tune.

Edited 05/09/11 to add:
d.i.s.t.i.l.l.e.d is strictly my private diary, and hence, the perfect testing ground for my various experiments. I don't think I'm going to share the link, though. Hehehe.. just because I am mean like that. But I might still share screen shots. Cos I'm nice like that.

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