Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the next time I go to a festival...

I would bring a list of the things I need to take a shot at.

Seriously! There were so many things to see, sights which are the perfect embodiment of the whole spirit of a festival.
And I missed most of them. Hiks.

But anyway, I did manage to get a few shots. In the name of learning, it was still a learning experience.
Especially that bit about bringing a list next time.

Oh, and maybe I should bring a dedicated baby sitter should I ever wish to dedicate my time to take pictures.
Or at least a fully-fed baby and stomach.
Split attention so does not help in getting you good shots.

on the other hand..... what's the point of going to a Food Festival if you were not to eat? Hmmm....

An elderly lady sitting on the bench slightly away from the stage
The Food Festival was organized by the international school nearby. Not too sure about the purpose of the whole thing, but in the spirit of adventure (and good neighbors), we went to check it out.

Pretty cupcakes on the stand

The food was all right, supposedly originating from various places reflecting the student body itself. But of course, there were plenty of Filipino food as well as the ever so popular (here) American food such as cupcakes, burgers and cookies.
Still... the student body consist of slightly more exotic members. Like Indians! Woohooo!

Incredible India banner
Indian food
We used to eat LOTS of Indian food. So... such happiness to find good Indian food (at no additional cost). So what if the rice is a bit paler that what we are used to? The stall actually serve authentic Indian dessert in all its glorified sugary sweetness. Uhmmm... divine! Too bad the Little One can't take any of the food yet.

Leftover European(?) food
There were other food stalls, but I did not manage to take a good shot as there were so many people around and I had a whiny toddler tugging my skirt for the giant slide and trampoline area. But I did manage to sneak in some bites. Some of the international food includes: Taiwanese (which I did not take since they all contain pork), Japanese (fantastic stuff, especially being served by authentic Japanese dressed in yukata), American, Korean (of course!) and Filipino. I might be missing some, but I can't be sure since I did not go around to have a detailed look.
There are also sponsored stalls managed by either restaurant or outlets from around town. I guess I kind of recognize their brands, but I did not quite get to eat most of them. Pity.

The Drink 'Centre'
While the food is included in admission price, drinks are NOT. So... you either bring your own, get water from the nearest water cooler (hey, it's a school, after all), or buy some.


These lights are at least one thing that I manage to get for my 'non-existent' list. There's something about carnival lights against the darkening sky that always sort of capture the essence of 'carnival', don't you think?

Lights again, against a more spectacular sky
Little One jumping on trampoline
The Little One did not eat. Almost nothing, really. But then again, I suppose when you are just 2, there are other, more interesting stuff to do during a festival like this.
Like... jumping on the said trampoline.
well... it was some blown structure, but yeah, great stuff to jump around on.

The other major attraction: the playground
And of course, the playground. When you are two years old...? enough said.

And this is indeed the essence of parenthood, waiting on the sideline, watching.
(and sneaking a bit here and there, especially when you have a partner that you can send for fetching food while you wait for the kid, haha)

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