Monday, September 27, 2010


I need a holiday.

Not just a few hours break from home and the kid kind of break, but a REAL holiday, with the following criterions:
- I don't have to cook or clean the house
- Don't have to feed the kid or at least no need to COOK the food that I would feed the kid
- Don't have to chase a horny dog to the neighbour's house at midday at the height of summer
- Can sleep till afternoon without interruption
- Can have LOOOong decent conversation with my husband without interruptions (kid needs to wee, dog wants to go out, kid spills her drink, etc)

I am whining, but man, even thinking of those criteria already made me tired again.

But seriously, welcome to my weekend, which ended only this morning when Solly (God bless her!) came to the rescue and started picking up the pieces of my weekend.

Oy, focus! Positive!

Anyway, I guess I am cranky because of lack of sleep. Despite her previous progress with regards to her sleeping pattern (she managed to sleep through the night without bothering me), ever since we started her potty training she seems to regress in her sleeping. She would wake up many times, cry for milk instead of getting it herself, even gets up from bed and move to the parents' bed!
It does not help that she hardly eats real food nowadays, except for sugary goodness of Oreo, ice cream and such. Which makes her hungry at night and drinks more milk. That's bad for me cos then I have to prepare more than 1 bottle of milk plus a change of pampers.

The Dog is another problem. She is having her period, which means not only she mess up the house with her 'spots', she's also forever eager to get out of the house to 'visit' this chap that caught her fancy, some mixed breed dog of the neighbour's. I have to make a few trips uphill under the scorching sun just to get her back home. And to top it all, of course she also does not eat the stuff that I give her.

Holiday, holiday. I need sleep. I think I am gaining the weight that I just lost, which is bad.
Lack of sleep is really BAD for you. BAD, BAD, BAD.
You have no self control, you don't think straight, then you make bad decisions, you eat crap, you act crazy, and so on and so on.

I should stop now. I really want to write good stuff here, like the blogs that I found in my trawls over the weekend, the inspiration, ets? Alas, my brain refused to co-operate.
So I am just trying here.
Trying hard to stop the urge to munch something,
To stop the inclination to shout at the Dog and the Little One (the Husband, lucky him, is out, working)
To do some clean up and cooking
To still go on with the daily life
To remind myself of how lucky I am with the life I am having, even with the warts and all,
(and through the haze of lethargy)

Just one last point before I go back into the fray,
The photo in this post?
Well, I just went out and.... it was so hot!
I am not normally an umbrella kind of girl, especially against the sun,
But today's sun really scorch you with vengeance, I have to get some protection.
With the sporty sandals that I wore, I think it was just a good picture of contrast. Haha...

Hope you had a better weekend, peeps!

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