Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pet photography

Ahem, no, I am not a professional photographer.
I have to admit, however, that it is indeed one of my wish list, to be able to become one, OR, at the very least, to be able to take pretty good photograph.

So, in my me-time last night, I actually browsed articles from Digital Photography School website, and found a few useful tips on taking pet photos. This is the article itself.
After letting the tips stew in my brain while I slept, I chanced on the Dog taking a seat near the backdoor, beautiful pose. Hmmm... What do you know, there was also a cushion on the floor nearby! (The Little One must have used it as her own trampoline earlier) so prostrate I went in front of the Dog with my trusty old KonicaMinolta (emphasis on the word OLD. And pretty abused too, by the hand of the Little One).

The tip that I used here was actually for the photographer to go on the pet's level when taking the photo, rather than taking it from a human-centric point of view. The other photo, as a comparison, was taken before I read the tip. Content-wise, the second photo is not bad, it was the Dog shivering on the couch because there was thunder outside. But taken with that human-centric point of view (not to mention an equally loved-hated camera phone).... the photo totally lose out from the first one.

I am now eager to take more photos of the Dog. I guess I am totally biased, but don't you also think that she's a beautiful dog?
Well... OK, I need to take better photograph with decent camera to prove the point. Got it. Will post them once I got them, OK?

In the mean time, what have you learnt today?

This is taken with the tip in mind; I was prostrate in front of the dog (with cushion, of course).
The expression came about thanks to a fly buzzing around the Dog. Needless to say, she Did.Not. Like. flies.
Photo taken with my KonicaMinolta Dimage X50

Not knowing any better, this was taken nary a day before, the Dog shivering on the sofa.
So many wrong things: lighting was no good, camera was bad, angle was totally wrong. HHhh.... such a wasted opportunity. But hey, with typhoon season coming, I'm sure there will be many more chances.
Photo taken using my Nokia E63 camera.

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