Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Corners

Decoration for the house, selected by the little decorator...
With Christmas barely 5 days away, I am finally sharing my Christmassy corners of the house.
The usual excuses abound, you can pick for your own favorite, from December being in general a busy month for most people, I have 2 exams during the month, to not having much success with photographing the tree.
Seriously, who would have thought that taking a picture of one stationary tree in the house would be so difficult. I don't even put running lights, for goodness sake! But oh well... here they are, all ready for Christmas.

Let's start from the door, the front door, on which I have stuck a permanent hook. So it was a matter of picking a decorative item and hanging it on the hook. The particular piece has bells that do not make any sound, so I had to put some 'real' bells. Works for the little Kid, works for the Mama. Not a big fan of fake bells, thank you very much.

Then comes the photo wall, one of my favourite spot in the house, if only for the aesthetic value (or, should I say, potential? Ha!)

Here's another bell ornament on the closet door.

Don't forget the laundry room door.

Some slight green on the staircase....

A little Christmassy touch on the window treatments...

And of course, the august, but somewhat elusive Christmas tree.
Sorry guys, I am afraid this is about as good as it gets for the Christmas tree picture.
I don't know whether it's the color combination, the camera setting, but I can't seem to get a decent picture.
Maybe it's ugly. Oh well... but at least the tree makes me happy.
We keep the lights on all the time, so when the house turns dark in the evening, there's that bright corner with the tree.
When we come back from walks in the evening, we see the lights first on the kitchen windows.
And when I sigh and plod with whatever dishes that need washing, those lights would reflect on the kitchen windows, and I can sigh happily and continue.

Well.... on to more Christmas stuff tomorrow then.
Four days to go!

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