Monday, December 27, 2010

More Holiday cooking

Well... I did warn you that between this last post and Christmas day, we might still be able to squeeze in more cooking, and so we did.
But first off, here's another look at the Turducken I mentioned.

Turducken leftovers
Let me start by saying that yes, I do realize that I provide barely sufficient documentation of this masterpiece. I plead guilty.
So when second chance came along to take some pics, I went on and use it.

Ahem, obviously one fat Turducken is WAY too big for just four adults and two toddlers to finish (humph, they barely touch the thing, actually), so.. come another night, we have it back on the table, this time with the layers all exposed.
You can see the white meat right in the middle (chicken) followed with a layer of darker meat and weird stuff (duck and some stuffing) before finally the turkey as the outer layer.
A masterpiece. A Yummy one too!

My version of Nutella Pinwheel
You might have noticed these cookies in the jar behind the Turducken in the photo above.
Having ran out of cream cheese (oh yeah, baby, those Rugelach are real heavy weights), I settled for these Nutella Pinwheel from The Purple Foodie.
The almonds, ahem, are supposed to be scattered on top of the Nutella layer before rolling them, but I actually forgot(!) to put them in before rolling. So... on top they went.

They are still great, by the way. More crumbly that the Rugelach (well.. different dough, ya) but good. It was a good success with the Husband, but not with the Kid.
Man, when I finally gave in to her pleas for the cookie, she went on to take off every single almond sliver she could get her hands on, broke the cookie onto several pieces, dropped a few pieces everywhere, left a trail of crumbs everywhere before finally taking a tiny weeny bite and hiding the rest of the piece in her cooking toy.
These cookies are not for kids. Not. for. kids.
Or maybe just not for MY kid. Ah well.

Xmas lunch
Last item, the Brontosaurus ribs.
Hehe... kidding. It's beef, uncut. I think usually the butcher would cut the ribs to shorter pieces for easy cooking. But the Husband was obsessed with these ever since he saw them in the store.
And I couldn't help myself, I was so humming/singing the Flintstones tune all the way home from the store.
Seriously, those bones are big enough for the Kid to use as a fake sword!

Just like the Turducken, this was very much his cooking. I did not help him at all except for shouting the location of various cooking implements that he needed while he was cooking.
I am afraid that this one was not quite a hit with me.
I don't know why. For some reasons, actually after eating this, I had a real strong urge to eat something totally vegetarian. Maybe it's too meaty.
In any case, I think the Husband enjoyed his fruits of labor.

And of course, after the meal, we have one very happy Dog.

One happy Dog with her REAL bone

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